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How to choose your escape game?

At L’Antichambre, we offer 10 different escape games among the best in Europe. Here are a few tips to choose your escape game:

The level of difficulty: we have 3 levels of difficulty representing the complexity of the puzzles and the search in our escape games:

  • Beginner: you have never done an escape game or you want to play with 2-3 people
  • Normal: most of the participants have done 2 or 3 escape games and you play with 3-4 people
  • Tricky: you already have a good track record of escape games behind you and there are many of you (5-6 people) or you simply like the challenge!

The success rate: For each escape game, we indicate its success rate. For example 60% means that 60 people out of 100 manage to exit before the end of the stopwatch.

The theme: Are you perhaps a fan of Japan? of the KGB? pyramids of Kheops? Maybe you like laboratories, space shuttles or scary escape games? On each page presenting our escape games, you will find "The Game Master’s advice" to guide you in your choice!